Why You Need A Retinopathy Of Prematurity Attorney

Our Lawyer Explains Why Experience Makes All The Difference

Within the general field of personal injury, there is a subfield of medical malpractice. Within the medical malpractice areas, there is another subcategory of newborn children injured by retinopathy of prematurity. Few law firms in this country emphasize retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in their practices as our retinopathy of prematurity attorney does. Your medical professionals must move quickly to help a baby born blind.

The medical malpractice field covers a range of injuries caused by healthcare professionals, such as surgical errors or failing to diagnose a serious condition. General medical malpractice lawyers may take cases involving blindness caused by retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), but since it is so rare, most birth injury attorneys decide to focus on injuries well-recognized and handled by firms in the past.

Richard M. Shapiro, by contrast, has dedicated the bulk of his legal career to helping victims of this rare but potentially devastating condition. Since ROP affects a small percentage of the population, attorneys might miss where malpractice caused it. It requires a wealth of medical knowledge and connections to specialized top tier medical professionals. Richard M. Shapiro has experience and knowledge as an attorney in this legal area after handling much ROP litigation in the last decade.

Specialized Focus, Relevant Knowledge, Stronger Cases

Litigating ROP cases requires dedication to a specialized area of medical knowledge. We understand that a proper diagnosis involves evaluating the risk factors of premature infant development, low birth weight, eye growth and other potential illnesses of the eye. Our law firm can determine if an at-risk baby received proper care, including the volume of oxygen treatment, the timing and quality of eye exams, the date of ROP diagnosis, the severity of ROP at detection, the date treatment began, retinal detachment symptoms and the type of ROP treatment provided.

We combine this knowledge with decades of experience to evaluate the legal challenges of a medical malpractice case.

What Can an Attorney Do For You?

Hiring an attorney cannot undo the damage. However, compensation from an ROP lawsuit could serve as a solid foundation for your family’s future. It can cover your medical bills and pay for the costs related to necessary care. It can enhance the quality of life for your child, including the cost of education and long-term attendant care. The law in our system of civil justice is that the blindness compensated by a certain amount of money will make you and your family whole. But, this is pure fiction. Nobody can ever make your family or your child whole again after newborn baby blindness caused by ROP, but it is all there is. At least, there should be some satisfaction in holding the healthcare provider accountable for his/her mistakes.

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Law Firm

You should be asking lots of questions of any potential lawyer for handling your baby’s blindness case. Here are a few questions we suggest you consider when choosing a law firm to pursue an ROP case:

  1. Does your lawyer try cases?
  2. What are his or her verdicts?
  3. How many years has the lawyer been trying cases?
  4. How much does your lawyer know about retinopathy of prematurity?
  5. Is your lawyer familiar with expert ophthalmologists, renowned for their research and writing on ROP?
  6. How many prior ROP cases has this lawyer litigated?
  7. How much have the recoveries been, financially?
  8. Who will actually try your baby’s lawsuit, if it must go to a jury?
  9. Who will advance the cost of litigation that may be as high as several thousand dollars?
  10. Has he or she held any leadership positions in trial advocacy organizations?

Shapiro Law Group for ROP Caused by Medical Malpractice

We focus on ROP cases because we are passionate about seeking justice for injured children and blind newborns. While this results in a relatively small group of clients, we believe you deserve an advocate with experience working on cases like yours. Schedule a free consultation with us to discuss your potential case. You should not worry about how to afford an attorney. We receive no attorney fees unless we are successful, and we advance the litigation costs until after the case concludes in your favor.

Let Us Review Your Case

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